Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Galapagos and Machu Picchu

Took these photos while on vacation in Ecuador and Peru in November of last year. (2014) Really thankful I got to see a little bit of the the beautiful scenery and animals that South America has to offer.

Sally Lightfoot Crab (So many bright colors)
Marine Iguana

Coast of Espanola Island

Waved Albatross during their mating dance

Red-Billed Tropicbird

Santa Fe Land Iguana

Magnificent Frigatebird

Galapagos Giant Tortoise

Galapagos Sea Lion Pup

Beach on San Cristobal Island 

Blue Footed Booby During Mating Dance

The same Blue Footed Booby with his mate

Galapagos Hawk

Northern Viscacha in Machu Picchu (Relative of the Chinchilla)

Machu Picchu 

Llama in Machu Picchu

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